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Harry Mateer |
In the interest of preparing you for the many happy years that lie ahead, allow me to clarify some things about Josh.
FALSE: Josh is not the smooth operator that he would have you believe. He checked his inbox constantly after every email to you in those early days of the relationship. Now that some time has passed, I'd like to thank you, Brittany, for waiting up to a day to respond to his emails because it gave Josh an opportunity to send me (on average) 15 emails in the meantime with various iterations of "Dude, she hasn't written back yet."
TRUE: I have never seen Josh so totally swept up in someone, as he is in you, until now. Every time I see you together, it is clear to me that he adores you.
FALSE: I know he puts on a brave face, but Josh is not as happy eating a salad as he would be eating a steak.
FALSE: Despite his claims to the contrary, Josh was never a member of Ivan Lendl's "Hitting Hot" tennis team at the Weston Racquet Club. He did participate in Ivan Lendl's "Tennis for Tikes" program. Groom gift suggestion: that big boy racquet I know he still wants.
TRUE: When Josh told me he couldn't conceive of moving to the West Coast without you, I knew I'd be writing this testimonial one day.
FALSE: I'm not sure he's Paul McCartney-handsome, but Josh is still a dead ringer for Scott Baio at 20 paces.
TRUE: Josh and I have been friends since we were both just a couple of young bon vivants riding the school bus home. I truly think of him as a brother and could not be happier that he is happy. Brittany, you are an amazing person and a great catch for Josh, and I wish you both the utmost happiness. I'm excited to welcome you both back to New York and look forward to watching your relationship continue to grow and deepen.

Thomai Gersh |
Dear Brittany,
I am so proud of the lovely young woman you've become, and, because your graduate degree does not include the word "pumpkin," your father and I are grateful that you have broadened your horizons.
As an accomplished student and athlete (soccer player, swimmer, runner) and now as an expert in mid-century decorative arts, you have always had high expectations for yourself and a deep passion for the things you love. These are traits I truly admire.
I have enjoyed every minute (well, except for a few days in your teen years!) of being your mom, and now am so looking forward sharing this next phase, as you build a life together with Josh. My heart is filled with joy for you.
I love you, pumpkin!
Dear Josh,
It probably won't surprise you that, as Brittany's mom, I have always had a few secret hopes and dreams for her choice in a life-partner:
If he was just the love of her life, on my list, that would be enough
If he were just Paul McCartney-handsome, on my list, that would be enough
If he were just incredibly intelligent, on my list, that would be enough
If he were just Cary Gersh- witty and funny, on my list, that would be enough
If he were just a great friend and companion, on my list, that would be enough
Fortunately, Josh, you are all of these things and more. (Whew!)
We are thrilled to have you in our family!
All my love,

Cary Gersh |
How can I write a tribute to Brittany without exulting in her laugh, her wit, her thoughtfulness, her exquisite taste, her smile? How can I describe Josh without a rapturous appreciation for his sense of humor, his intellect, his considerateness, and–if I may be so bold– his excellent judgment in fiancées.
Brittany has been a joy since the day she was born. (EMBARRASSMENT ALERT!) I recall everything about that day, when I nervously cut the cord that had nourished her for nine months. When I handed Brittany to her mom on that beautiful September day, I knew I was putting her in the arms of someone who would love her forever.
Soon it will soon be time to cut the cord again, figuratively speaking. It's a great comfort to know that–once again–I am able to put her into the arms of someone who will love her forever. Thomai and I feel so fortunate to know that, this time, that person will be Josh.
Infinite love,

Serge & Donna Lewi |
Moreover, Brittany braved a fifth floor walk-up to live with Josh (something no sane woman would ever do), and she has been so deft in weathering Josh's many rants (yes, that sweet and kind demeanor of his hides a great intolerance for all sorts of things).
Here's to a great couple and to many, many happy and healthy years ahead!!!

Melissa Smith |
Hopefully the rest of your major life milestones can be witnessed in the U.S. I love you both so much and wish you all the best!

Eric Kutner |
Since meeting Brittany, she has charmed me with her sophistication and cheerfulness. Although, I have to admit, I've also noticed that she has a distressing lack of interest in Spiderman (in any format – be it comic book, Halloween costume, or smash hit Broadway musical). But, as Peter Parker sings, "love's web spans all distances".
I wish you two every happiness, huddled together for years to come, in a fort made of sofa cushions. That's not a metaphor.

Markus Mende |
~ markus

Allan and Joyce |
Over the past six years, I have had a chance to spend a lot of time with Joshua. Before beginning graduate school at USC, he would make an annual pilgrimage to Southern California during the summer. It has been an amazing experience to watch him interact with "various" groups of people. He has an innate ability to connect with people. He engages people in conversation and can instantly make them feel at ease. This is a very rare and fabulous gift.
In addition to his intelligence, Joshua is kind, thoughtful and sensitive. These are a few of the qualities that will be the foundation to a wonderful partnership with Brittany.
My nephew, Joshua, told me about a special woman in his life by the name of Brittany. They had just returned from a trip, and he would e-mail me some pictures.
As soon as I saw these pictures, I was immediately captivated by Brittany's smile.
It is truly radiant. Since Brittany has lived in Southern California for the past two years, I have learned that her heart is as big as her smile. Brittany is real and unassuming. She has a strong work ethic and a deep sense of loyalty. She has a real sense of balance and a true understanding of what is important in life. She is bright and articulate. I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with her and have welcomed the opportunity to get to know her.
I want to welcome Brittany to our family.
Brittany and Joshua make a terrific couple who will be able to be strengthened by each other and able to endure life's challenges. May she and Joshua share a life together, anchored by love and friendship.
Best Wishes,
Uncle Allan and Joyce